"Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Health and Well-being of All"
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» Research Project
Institute Funded Projects
Project 01:
Collection, Characterization, Evaluation and Documentation of Plant Genetic Resources of Some Important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Geetha, K. A., Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding); Co-PIs: Dr. Satyanshu Kumar, Principal scientist (Organic Chemistry); Dr. P. L. Saran, Principal Scientist (Horticulture); Dr. R. N. Reddy, Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding); Dr. Ram Prasanna Meena, Senior Scientist (PlantPathology); Dr. K. A. Kalaria, Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology); Dr. Ganesh N. Khadke, Scientist (Spices, Plantation and Medicinal & Aromatic Plants- SPMAP); Dr. Akula Chinapolaiah, Scientist (SPMAP); Dr. Manish Kumar Suthar, Scientist (Agricultural Biotechnology and Mr. Rohan Sarkar, Scientist (Agricultural Chemicals)
Project 02:
Breeding of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Yield and Quality.
PI: Dr. R. N. Reddy, Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding), Co-PIs: Dr. Satyanshu Kumar, Principal Scientist (Organic Chemistry); Dr. Geetha K. A. Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding); Dr. P. L. Saran, Principal Scientist (Horticulture); Dr. Akula Chinapolaiah, Scientist (SPMAP); Dr. Prince Choyal, Scientist (Plant Physiology) and Dr. Manish Kumar Suthar, Scientist (Agricultural Biotechnology)
Project 03:
Understanding the Metabolism and Biochemistry of Active Principles in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
PI: Dr. R.N. Reddy, Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding). Co-PIs: Dr. Satyanshu Kumar, Principal scientist (Organic Chemistry); Dr. Manish Kumar Suthar, Scientist (Agricultural Biotechnology) and Mr. Rohan Sarkar, Scientist (Agricultural Chemicals)
Project 04:
Impact of Agro-Ecological and Input Management Practices in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
PI: Dr. B. B. Basak, Senior Scientist (Soil Science). Co-PIs: Dr. Satyanshu Kumar, Principal scientist (Organic Chemistry); Dr. P. L. Saran, Principal Scientist (Horticulture); Dr. K. A. Kalariya, Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology); Dr Ram Prasanna Meena, Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology); Dr. Prince Choyal, Scientist (Plant Physiology); Dr. Ganesh N. Khadke, Scientist (SPMAP); Dr. Akula Chinapolaiah, Scientist (SPMAP); Dr. Samadhan Yuvraj Bagul, Scientist (Ag. Microbiology); and Mr. Rohan Sarkar, Scientist (Agricultural Chemicals)
Project 05:
Good Plant Protection Practices in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
PI: Dr. Ram Prasanna Meena, Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology). Co-PIs: Dr. Samadhan Yuvraj Bagul, Scientist (Agricultural Microbiology) and Mr. Rohan Sarkar, Scientist (Agricultural Chemicals)
Project 06:
Quality Control, Product Development and Post-harvest Management Technology for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
PI: Dr. Satyanshu Kumar, Principal Scientist (Organic Chemistry). Co-PIs: Dr. Geetha, K. A., Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding); Dr. B. B. Basak, Senior Scientist (Soil Science); Dr. Raghuraj Singh, Scientist (Farm Machinery and Power-FMP) and Mr. Rohan Sarkar, Scientist (Agricultural Chemicals.) 108 ICAR - DMAPR ANNUAL REPORT 2022
Project 07:
Dissemination of improved agro-technologies to enhance quality production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
PI: Dr. P L Saran, Principal Scientist (Horticulture). Co-PIs: Dr. Geetha K. A., Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding); Dr. R. N. Reddy, Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding); Dr. K. A. Kalariya, Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology); Dr. Ram Prasanna Meena, Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology); Dr. Ganesh N. Khadke, Scientist (SPMAP); Dr. Raghuraj Singh, Scientist (FMP); Dr. Samadhan Yuvraj Bagul, Scientist (Microbiology); Dr. Manish Kumar Suthar, Scientist (Agricultural Biotechnology) and Dr. A. P. Trivedi (Assistant Chief Technical Officer)
Project 08:
Flagship Programme- Development of Organic Nutrient Management Practices for Economically Important Medicinal Plants
PI: Dr. B. B. Basak, Senior Scientist (Soil Science). Co-PIs: Dr. Samadhan Yuvraj Bagul, Scientist (Agricultural Microbiology) and Mr. Rohan Sarkar, Scientist (Agricultural Chemicals).