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"Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Health and Well-being of All"

Home Bulletin Board Forms


Description View
* Income tax circular 2024-25 File
* LTC Advane Form File
* Payment of T.A./D.A. to Non-Official member who has attended the meeting of the Selection Committee/ Research advisory Committee /DPC at ICAR-DMAPR, Boriavi (Anand) File
* Income tax savings of 2023 - reg File
* Repair and Proprietory Proforma - reg File
* Proforma for AMC of equipment - reg File
* Indent form - reg File
* Form for LTC Application and Self declaration - reg File
* Form for purchase of Office bag once in three years - reg File
* Office intimation for purchase of movable property - reg File
* Imprest forms - reg File
* Indent of herbarium photographs - reg File
* Form for submission of Abstract File
* Form for Advance tour programme.doc File
* Form for Encashment of Earn Leave.doc File
* ICAR Norms for newspaper claim-2018.doc File
* Newspaper Reimbursement form.doc File
* Leave Travel Concessions Form, LTC Orders & Rules File
* Work indent for farm operation File
* Form for PF Withdrawl File
* Publication Proforma File
* Research manuscript form File
* TA Advance form File
* Tentetive tour programme File
* Gate Pass File
* Joining letter after leave File
* vehicle indent File
* TA Bill soft copy File
* Store indent DSR File
* Stationery indent regarding File
* Medical Certificate B for admit case File
* Form for Illness and Fitness certificates File
* Medical 97 form form File
* Medical essentiality certificate form File
* LTC Settlement form File
* LTC Advance form File
* Library membership form reg. File
* Immovable property form regarding File
* Application for GuestHouse of ICAR-DMAPR booking form in hindi english File
* Form for transaction of immovable property File
* Equipment indent form File
* Earn leave application form File
* Declaration of assests and liabilities reg File
* Camera indent form File
* Library book indent form File
* Children Education Allowances forms File
* CCL Application form File
* Quarter allotment form File